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Welcome to the 2024 Associated Students, Inc (ASI) Elections page! The 2024 ASI elections took place on March 18-20. Below, you can find the results of the elections as well as candidate-elect statements.

Since 1956, Long Beach State University (LBSU) students have participated in the ASI elections process to select leaders to advocate on their behalf. Both voters and candidates partook directly in this principle of shared governance and “Keeping Students First” through their participation in the elections process, whether on the campaign trail or at the voting booths.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at asi-elections@csulb.edu. Thank you and Go Beach!

Josephine Nguyen
ASI Government Elections & Recruitment Assistant

Student Government Elects


Nikki Majidi

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My name is Nikki Majidi, a proud first-generation immigrant from Iran. I am a Political Science student with a minor in International Economics. Arriving at CSULB, I stepped out of my comfort zone and got involved with organizations.

I found my voice through Beach Forensics as a member of the Speech team where I qualified for nationals through my speech about the ongoing Iranian Revolution. My advocacy helped me discover other Iranian-American students to come together and form CSULB’s Iranian Student Association (ISA).

I also became involved as Senior Vice President with Delta Sigma Pi, a co-ed professional business fraternity, to gain connections through my prospective field in intellectual property law.

I was eventually elected to be the Senator of the College of Liberal Arts and have effectively used my passion to listen to student concerns and apply them in project developments as a Senator and Lobby Corps Representative.


Continuing to Fight for Affordable Education:

  • Advocating for increased financial aid and scholarships across campus to reduce financial hardship for students.

Promoting Transparency of Resources:

  • Using a multi-platform approach on social media to enhance transparency across campus.
  • Utilizing student leaders and representatives across campus to increase the flow of information through student organizations and programs.

Diversity and Inclusion:

  • Advocating for immigrant and undocumented students.
  • Collaborating with BMAC to increase accessibility and enhance awareness.
  • Expand Basic Needs programs to combat food and housing insecurity, building on Beach Pantry, Student Health Services, and Cal Fresh to promote student health and wellness.
  • Advocating for equity across academic support services, increased access to research opportunities, regardless of background.

Improving Infrastructure:

  • Advocating for more funding to improve campus structures such as dorms, outdated lecture halls, and buildings
  • Adding cameras in parking structures for increased safety.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

If elected, my background and involvement on campus will be instrumental in promoting growth in the student body. My time as Senator of CLA and my tabling efforts have given me the privilege of speaking to a wide range of students starting from CLA and branching out to the other eight colleges across campus.

Fiscal and Financial Transparency- Apply my experience in Lobby Corps to continue the fight against tuition increase to advocate for more financial aid and scholarships to promote more affordable education on our campus.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion- Use my experience in Delta Sigma Pi, Iranian Student Association, and Beach Forensics to promote more unity and growth across cultural, social, and professional organizations across campus.

Increased Accessibility to Resources- Apply my discussions with Dean Thein of CLA regarding the transfer of resources across CLA to combat disparities in retention rates and promote student growth and success.

As President, you will attend meetings of the Cal State Student Association (CSSA) each month. What are the current issues that are affecting the CSU system and how do you plan on informing the student body about these issues?

Through my time as a Lobby Corps Senate Representative, I learned about the impacts driven CSSA meetings work and discussed how to inform the student body on issues regarding the CSU system.

Improve social media marketing: Continue “Senate in A Minute” series to inform students about impactful resolutions and policies set by ASI Senate. I plan to continue this concept by working with College Senators by utilizing College Instagram's, and effectively communicating with @CSULBASI’s 22,000 followers.

Utilizing Campus Organizations: I plan to use social, cultural, or academic student councils to share information through representatives. As part of initiatives, I plan to establish a Multicultural Council to foster unity within the cultural organizations. Multicultural representatives help spread information during general meetings of their respective organizations to enhance awareness and advocacy across campus.

How will you bring student issues and concerns to the attention of university administration and ensure that they are being addressed?

To bring student issues and concerns to university administration I will work with many student leaders across campus and ensure that students are heard by speaking with representatives across all groups. I will bring the concerns of campus councils and senate reports to my regular meeting with administration. I will bring information from ASI Executive Team meetings to hold staff accountable and follow through with our goals. As a passionate student leader, I am determined to bridge the gap of communication between the students and administration, and I will affect positive change on behalf of our lively campus community.

Executive Vice President

Matt Melendrez

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Hello! My name is Matt Melendrez, and I am a Filipino American student here at Cal State Long Beach. I am currently a second year, majoring in Political Science. After college, I hope to become an immigration attorney to support the undocumented community and call for reforms in our justice system.

During my time as Senator-at-Large for First Year Programs, I've enjoyed engaging and working together with different communities across our campus. From our first-gen students to those facing financial insecurity, I've had the opportunity to listen to students with unique stories and challenges. This past year, I have worked to support and uplift those communities that face inequities on our campus. My efforts have ranged from empowering our cultural organizations to facing the CSU Board of Trustees and opposing the tuition increase. I understand that the fight continues for us to build an equitable & inclusive campus for all.


Continuing the Fight against Tuition Increase

  • Increase Financial Literacy towards University Scholarships & Grants
  • Prioritize Basic Needs, expanding Student Health Services and Beach Pantry
  • Urge for the State to increase funding to the CSU
  • Expand job opportunities for international & undocumented students

Equity and Inclusion for All

  • Supporting and advocating for the Dream Success Center and our Cultural Resource Centers
  • Coordinate with BMAC to increase accessibility throughout campus
  • Advocate for the creation of affordable housing for students with financial insecurity
  • Explore the idea of a Multicultural Student Council, to increase the representation of Cultural Organizations on campus
  • Engage & work with our many communities on campus from registered student organizations to Fraternity & Sorority Life

Transparency and Communication

  • Engage students to learn about Senate resolutions & actions via social media
  • Hosting semesterly town halls for our Senators to engage with their communities

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

My time as a Senator at-large for First Year Programs has allowed me to engage and connect with students from diverse backgrounds allowing me to understand their unique challenges. Everyday, I have the chance to speak to students one-on-one, understanding what is crucial for their success, from Beach XP to the many cultural student organizations I am involved in. We must address disparities in our retention and graduation rates and prioritize equity and inclusivity across our campus. This involves assisting and revitalizing our resource centers, maintaining transparency in our progress to achieving these goals, and actively engaging with every community that calls our campus home. By fostering an inclusive environment, we can promote growth and ensure all students have equal opportunities to succeed.

What are some things you would like to see accomplished by the Senate next year?

Transparency for Students -
As the voice of the student body, the Senate must ensure students are informed about what is going on in our university. This could involve regular social media updates on Senate resolutions and individual Senator objectives. Additionally, implementing online public comment submission for Senate meetings, which would enhance transparency. With our complex system, transparency in our actions is important for student involvement in shared governance.

Expanding Campus Resources -
We must also prioritize supporting and aiding every community on campus, especially our Cultural Resource Centers. It's our responsibility to stand by each community and assist them in addressing disparities in opportunities, retention rates, and graduation rates. By fostering transparency and community support, we can create an inclusive environment where every student is empowered to contribute and thrive.

As Executive Vice President, you will serve as the Chair of the Board of Directors/Senate. How do you plan on creating positive working relationships with the board while ensuring effective communication in order to properly represent the student body?

The Senate is the face of our student body and represents members from a multitude of communities across campus. I want our Senate to work as a cohesive unit working to ensure no student is left unheard. By promoting open dialogue and conversations with all Senators, we can find solutions that are unique and are efficient towards solving the many issues on our campus. A way we could increase teamwork between Senators and build an inclusive environment is through hosting socials that will allow us to learn about each other's communities and find common goals we have for the upcoming year. The more perspectives we have, the more reflective our work is of the needs of our student body.

Vice President of Finance

Andre Achacon

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After becoming the first in my family to attend university, it is my dream is to positively impact the pathway to success for all students, so I am pursuing a degree in political science and economics. I initially joined ASI as a Lobby Corps Representative At-Large and was later elected Senator At-Large.

After three years of managing my own business providing statewide services, I joined the ASI Business & Finance Committee to help distribute over $50,000 in grants and served in the University Resource Council to monitor CSULB’s $543 million operating budget. I also executed leadership roles in Pilipino American Coalition and the Beach Pride Events Council, putting on events for thousands of students.

My experiences interacting with many organizations and responsibly handling money prepare me to passionately amplify the voices of our diverse student body, work toward an affordable education, and govern with integrity.


When I first step foot onto campus, I immediately realized I wanted to make a lasting impact. That’s exactly what I’ve done and hope to continue working on:


  • Combat tuition increase and grow scholarship/grant opportunities for events, study abroad, and student success.
  • Expand basic needs access to food assistance, housing, and health resources.

A Home Away from Home:

  • Support funding for programs hosted by cultural, academic, social, and Greek organizations.
  • Build stronger community through robust Athletics experiences and on-campus events.
  • Implement delicious but healthy on-campus food options.

Transparency, Equity, Inclusion:

  • Ensure diverse representation from persons with disabilities, multicultural, and undocumented students.
  • Develop Multicultural Council comprised of 15+ organizations by collaborating with Student Life & Development Office and Cultural Resource Centers.

My driven leadership experience and fierce ability to overcome adversity will help me accomplish my goals through consistent collaboration with student government.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

I will effectively support students with my leadership experience, unique ideas, and inclusive priorities.

Extensive Experience–I scaled a five-figure media business, which allows me to responsibly oversee our $28 million ASI Operating Budget. My service in ASI Senate, Lobby Corps, and our Events Executive Council has provided me with an in-depth understanding of how to improve ASI’s 10+ departments and services. As VP of Finance, I am excited to take on more learning opportunities as a student advocate.

Commitment and Creativity–I will execute proactive initiatives that result in high revenue streams and more student funding. Throughout my service in ASI, I dedicated and will continue to exceed more than 15 weekly hours empowering student organizations.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion–I possess deep understanding and urgent prioritization of cultural, BIPOC, academic, social, and Greek organizations by building positive community relationships to effectively support the needs of 36,000+ students.

How do you intend to use your position to create more awareness of funding opportunities for students?

With more than $650,000 in funding available for students and organizations, I will ensure that students have a high awareness of ASI funding, grants, and scholarships.

Transparency and Marketing Campaigns–by working with ASI Communications to rebuild grant funding webpage and publishing monthly effective marketing campaigns through @CSULBASI’s 22,000+ Instagram followers.

Events and Workshops–by coordinating events and financial literacy workshops through partnerships with Southland Credit Union and conducting team-driven analyses of resource allocation to develop funding improvement plans.

Consistent Outreach–by working with Student Life & Development Office to establish ongoing communication and strong relationships with 50+ departments, organizations, and students about funding opportunities. While advocating for students will be at the forefront of all my policymaking, serving on the University Resource Council and Athletics Committee has also given me the tools to effectively work alongside faculty and administrators in pushing impactful policies.

As Vice President of Finance, you will oversee the preparation of ASI's annual budget. What are some broad goals that you hope to achieve at the end of this process?

As an organization formed and funded by students, I will ensure that my funding initiatives sustainably serve students’ best interest.

Support Students and Campus Organizations–work to approve more than 200 grant allocations totaling more than $650,000 while also ensuring that we distribute our budget effectively through effective delegation and my knowledge of ASI’s $28 million annual budget. Implement initiatives to ensure an efficiently streamlined transaction/funding process for 400+ student organizations with my knowledge serving on the ASI Business Finance Committee. Invest ASI funds for high financial return.

Balanced Budget–responsibly manage our fiscal budget and ensure our budget remains available throughout the year. I also plan to allocate sufficient funding for volunteers, student assistant employment, and USU/SRWC facility improvements.

Balanced Budget–responsibly manage our fiscal budget and ensure our budget remains available throughout the year. I also plan to allocate sufficient funding for volunteers, student assistant employment, and USU/SRWC facility improvements.

Senator at-Large

Sonny Ciampa

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Katherine Erian

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Carlos Orozco

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Larissa Santos

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Lexi Thicksten

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Hello, my name is Sonny Ciampa but you can just call me Sonny. I am really looking forward to meeting all of you. This is my first year here at CSULB. I'm currently an undeclared major, but I'm looking into Political Science. A fun fact about me is that I'm from Long Beach and spent my entire childhood growing up here. Last year I graduated high school as a straight A student, additionally I ran on a cross country & track team. During my experience I learned how to work hard and how to accomplish goals. After college I want to become a politician. I am very passionate about bringing change to this world. That is what brought me here. I recently completed a program named beach team. It is a program set up by ASI that gave me an understanding of how student government works.


Hello everyone! My name is Sonny Ciampa and I am running for Senator at large. I’m choosing to run for Senator at Large because I believe I can create a difference that is impactful. Everything I accomplish during my term will be solely based on the interest of students. I would be happy if students gave me a chance. I will advocate for your all your desires. As your ASI Senator at Large, I will represent all students at CSULB.

Here are my plans:

  • Oppose any plans to raise tuition costs. 
  • Be the voice for all students, resolve any challenge that students face.
  • Pass resolutions that are directly voiced by students.
  • Have frequent and open communication with all students.
  • Create a positive learning environment for all students.

Don't forget to vote for Sonny Ciampa as your next ASI Senator at Large. Thank you so much for voting.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

I will bring a student voice that can advocate for all students. I believe that I am strong enough to be able to advocate for all students at CSULB. In high school I earned straight A's and ran cross country and throughout that experience I learned how to work and accomplish goals with my team. One of the ways I want to promote growth within my term is meeting with students regularly during my office hours and outside of them I plan to write resolutions based on discussions I have with students. I also was recently a part of the beach team program which gave a clear understanding of how student government works. I have always been super passionate about changing the world around me and I believe that student government would be a great place for me to start.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

I feel like there are many issues within the LBSU student body. One of the main issues that I believe needs to be addressed is the rise of tuition costs. There are many students that rely solely on their FASHA to pay their college tuition and with the raise of costs. It will mean students will have a harder time being able to pay for college supplies. Another problem that recently occurred were teachers going on strike and interrupting our education, as students pay for college, meaning they should receive a full education. Hopefully in the future there can be some sort of agreement. The final issue that should be addressed at the moment is the issue with parking. Many students have been describing a flaw within the system. I have been told by some students that they have trouble finding parking.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

One of the many ways I want to promote awareness of student government is to have open communications with students on campus. I plan to show students resolutions that are in the works or have been passed. Another way I will probably promote engagement in student government is to ask students to attend senate meetings and hearings to give them first hand experience of what it is like to be a leader in student government. And for students that don't seem as interested at first I plan to make social media posts and videos to show students the life of a student government leader. Additionally just have conversations with students about what really student government is. It will be students on and off campus, friends of mine or people that choose to attend my office hours.

I’m Katherine Erian, and I’m currently a third-year student studying Psychology. In highschool, I was in Model United Nations, and enjoyed representing various countries and coming up with solutions for pertinent issues around the world. I also had experience with writing resolutions and collaborating with others to accomplish this. I currently serve various leadership positions on campus, including being the President of Coptic Club, and the Vice President of Unheard Cries, which is non-profit charity organization that aims to dent poverty in the Middle East. Furthermore, I currently serve as a Representative At-Large for Lobby Corps and have been engaged in increasing voter registration as well as preparing to advocate at CHESS this semester.


  • As a student myself, I would love the opportunity to represent and advocate for all students on campus. 
  • I believe that it is necessary to ensure everyone has a fair opportunity to attend this university at a reasonable price and would love to ensure that tuition does not continue to increase.
  • It is important that all students have the opportunity to have housing on campus, if they need it, and I would like to draw attention to the issue of homelessness and aim to decrease it, through creating more affordable options.
  • I find it crucial that students have access to resources that are safe, and I would like to ensure that all equipment in labs and other areas on campus are new.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

I already have insight as to how student government operates, and I am aware of the issues that students on campus struggle with. Being a voice of someone that has the same issues on campus is an incredibly valuable resource that I would love to utilize to the extent that the senator position offers. Additionally, I have other leadership positions on campus that have given me insight as to how to best engage other students in important matters. I have learned a lot about how important it is to be welcoming and accommodating to everyone in order to ensure that students feel comfortable and encouraged to participate in events and activities.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

One current issue with the CSULB student body is that many students don't vote, and I believe a reason for this could be that many students are not aware of the matters that they would be voting on. To combat this, I would suggest implementing various methods of informative strategies that will inform students on current issues. This can be done on social media platforms, as well as in a classroom setting through announcements. I believe that educating students on the issues that they can ultimately rectify is crucial, especially during their time attending this university. Another obvious issue within the student body is the price of tuition, and the fact that it should not continue to increase in an unreasonable manner. Although there might not be much I could do regarding this issue, I find it imperative to remain persistent when advocating for it.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

One way to promote awareness of the role of Student Government as a means of encouraging student engagement is to educate students further on what exactly Student Government does, and how they can make a difference. It may seem daunting to partake in Student Government, yet alone fully understand the work and effort that Student Government is responsible for. Making it clear to students that this is the best way for students to be represented fairly may make a difference in raising awareness. Furthermore, specific information can be posted on social media, posters can be put up around campus and in residence halls, and the Student Government body can also promote it verbally to others.

Hello Beach family! My name is Carlos Orozco, and I am a third-year engineering student. I was born in Michoacan Mexico, and when I was just six months old I immigrated to Long Beach and was raised here since then. Growing up in Long Beach, I witnessed and experienced many injustices in the educational system, especially being undocumented that molded me into the person I am today. During my time at CSULB, I have worked with local nonprofits to provide under-resourced communities with the tools they need to succeed. I have worked with the non-profit Ground Education to provide under-resourced students with access to the outdoor education they deserve. In the same way, I plan to fight for our students’ right to access to the resources they need to thrive and succeed.


My platform is simple, STUDENTS FIRST. If elected I will always prioritize the needs of students regardless of what any administrators want. My goal for this position is to utilize the resources that ASI has in the most effective ways possible for the student body.

Specifically, I aim to:

  • Revaluate the distribution of ASI Funds
  • Expand Student Scholarships
  • Expand Student travel/research grants
  • Promote existing programs to students
  • Engage student organizations to hear what they need from ASI

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

If elected I will bring experience working with different members of ASI in order to get work done efficiently. My experience as an undocumented student also provides me with a different perspective from most student leaders. Most importantly I will bring a strong passion to serve students to the best of my ability.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

One of the issues I see the student body facing is the rising cost of attending CSULB. This includes tuition, food costs, and parking costs. The lack of affordable food options leaves many students going to classes hungry and unable to focus on doing the best they can. Tuition and Parking costs continue to rise year after year with no end in sight. I plan on demanding full transparency from the administration on where all this money is going and why our administrative costs are soaring out of control.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

Student involvement is the foundation of any student government. In order to increase student awareness ASI needs to continue to grow its online presence as that is where many students get their information about what is happening on campus. Student leaders also need to make a greater effort to engage students in person whether that be through speaking in classes or simply engaging students as they walk through campus.

Hello, fellow students! I'm Larissa Santos, a junior majoring in Political Science, and I'm excited to connect with each of you. I proudly hold a position within our student government as a Lobby Corps representative, striving to amplify student voices and contribute to positive change on campus. In addition, I serve as the Community Service Chair on the Executive Board of the National Society of Leadership and Success. These roles have deepened my understanding of leadership and my passion for community engagement. I'm eager to collaborate, learn, and work together to make our Cal State University experience unforgettable. Let's embark on this journey together – vote Larissa Santos for Senator at-large, united in purpose and progress!


My name is Larissa Santos, a junior and I am running for Senator at-large. My candidacy is fueled by the desire to be your representative, amplifying your voices and addressing the issues that hold significance for us all. I aspire to rally our student community for positive change, fostering an environment where we can collectively thrive.

My objectives are:

  • Advocate for more transparent information on financial aid options.
  • Expanding scholarship opportunities.
  • Initiate change by crafting resolutions that serve the collective well-being of all students.
  • Promote policies that simplify credit transfer evaluations, facilitating a smoother transition for transfer students.

I am best qualified to serve as the Senator-at-large because I have been active on campus. These activities include but are not limited to:

  • Lobby Corps Representative – Vice Chair
  • Vice Chair on the Committee of Athletics
  • National Society of Leadership and Success – Community Service Chair

Thanks for your vote! Larissa Santos for

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

If elected as Senator at-large, I want to achieve three main objectives to help promote growth in the students around me. The first is expanding scholarship opportunities to allow students to continue their education without financial burdens. The second is providing easy and accessible information regarding student loans and financial aid to students. Lastly is helping guide transfer students to a smooth transition into the Cal State University system with support and guidence.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

One current issue within LBSU would be student loan debt. I want to provide vital information that can assit students in a burden free enviorment and establish change at a state level to help students with paying off loan with little to no interest accural. Second would be housing, I believe that we need to address housing issues with the administration and will establish a plan to present of ways to allow more beds for students.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

I believe that student engagement is essential, and a way to engage students is through fun videos that involve student government and students—for example, doing a "What do you know about student government" video where we ask students questions about student government. Another idea is speaking to classrooms and giving them a short presentation on student government and the options to get involved.

Hello, my name is Lexi Thicksten. I’m originally from Tokyo, Japan, and I’m a political science major. I am the Cultural Affairs Commissioner at ASI, and I've helped student organizations improve their social relations. I’ve served at Coastline College as their student government Legislative Affairs Senator and Vice President.

I am running for Senator At-Large because I have a passion for representing students of all backgrounds. I have legislatively advocated for students with disabilities and homeless students for the past couple years, as everyone should be given equal opportunities regardless of their background.

I am an asset; I can better meet students’ needs by pushing for bills that concern them here at Cal State Long Beach. I have experience working with policymakers in Sacramento, CA. If I got the role of Senator At-Large, I would fight for students by addressing issues that they truly care about.


Students already have a voice; it’s our job as student officials to represent the voices of all students. I want students to have a say in the way we vote on matters that concern CSULB.

I have a passion for legislation and advocating for college students. My goal is to advocate for the student body, as I did at my previous school, Coastline College. I would go directly to the policymakers or officials and push for the issues students really care about.

I am persuasive and tenacious; I don’t give up on the issues that matter to me. I also know how to navigate political spheres, as I have experience working in politics through volunteer work. My career ambitions are directly tied to government work. Becoming a diplomat is my end goal, and I would channel this by following what the students legislatively side with.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

My previous position was as Cultural Affairs Commissioner, where I worked with cultural organizations to help them with social events during cultural months as well as amending ties between groups. I would connect individuals together through various organizations due to my experience working on campuses and connecting with a multitude of students from all backgrounds. I offer my organizational skills as well as my promptness in getting projects done. I would emphasize students’ collective growth through their participation in these social groups, as being connected on campus really elevates your college experience. It’s essential for students to embrace their identities and feel safe growing into themselves on campus. Providing the opportunities for students to showcase their uniqueness can be done through student organizations and ASI to continue to involve everyone, which I would directly work towards, whether that be making more positions or having more collaborations across various student organizations.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

Having culture months turn into annual long celebrations would be ideal and would be a goal I strive towards as Senator At-Large, as this would allow the full embrace of each student’s identity into the school setting, where it may not always feel welcomed. Groups may feel like their heritage is not fully embraced here on our Cal State Long Beach campus when their groups are not represented year-long, if they are represented at all. This is seen to be the case as there are multitudes of culture groups and student organizations, many of whom don’t have events that showcase their respective cultural identities or heritages. The culture months are limited in the diversity they represent, and having a wider array of events for students would allow the full representation of the diverse campus we are and stand for.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

Spreading the presence of ASI would be one of my main goals. I want students to know about ASI and to feel involved on campus. This can be achieved if we emphasize the need for student resources and activities, which can be enjoyed by participating in the events we offer. It is important for students to feel like they belong on campus. We can then, as student leaders, increase the marketing of the work we do, publicizing our accomplishments to the student population. Students should be in the loop on events and projects that we do for them, and having this transparency can allow students to know what we really do on campus. Whether that be student engagement, culture events, following new initiatives, bettering policies for the student population, advocating for policies, etc., student leaders are active, and their work should be shared on a larger scale.

Trustee at-Large, University Student Union & Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Board of Trustees

Laura Camacho

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Saniya Debose

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Hi my name is Laura Camacho! I transferred from Golden West College. I am a fourth year student, majoring in Liberal Studies in pursuing my teaching credential. I am very passionate about teaching the next generation, as I was involved heavily at GWC. I was involved in student government as the vice president of public relations, led a task force that pushed for smoke free policies, and volunteered with Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society. I served as student chair for the election commission at student government. Since being at CSULB, I became involved in Bible study, since I believe it is necessary to be connected to your faith and yourself. I also attend and participate in current school events and activities on a regular basis. I am looking forward to continuing to improve making our campus a fun, safe, and happy environment for all cal state students.


These would be some ideas I would consider that could help our students on campus:

  1. Extend food vendor hours throughout the week to help provide students with meals without leaving campus.
  2. Have a mix of casual and professional donation clothes center for students to receive a full outfit a minimum of 2 to 3 times per semester.
  3. Have an updated website to reserve time slots for individuals who want to play in the game center.
  4. Provide more Future U projects to survey students to receive their input on improvements or changes to the University Student Union and Student Recreation Center.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

If it will be my privilege to hold the position of URECBOT, I will strive to do everything to make the importance of my responsibilities a priority by maintaining communication, cooperation, and teamwork among campus staff, students, and ASI members.

In the past, I have held student government positions for which I am aware of having patience and understanding, along with the ability to accept responsibility for assigned projects and regular duties. I believe that with my experience from previous years as a student government member, I can bring this helpful knowledge to my next position. Through my efforts, I would like to do my part to create an enjoyable and happy environment for the students at CSULB.

The campus and ASI offer a multitude of programs and services for students that, unfortunately, most don't find out about until later in their college experience. How would you create more awareness of campus and ASI resources?

I would discuss with other ASI members and staff about places that would need to be advertised more on social media and with tabling events outside the facilities to help showcase where the programs and services are located.

Those who receive text messages from CSULB can get notified with an image and direction of where the program or service is located. The image description can provide contact information such as a phone number, building number, email, or short videos sent through text message describing the location of the program or service.

I believe these are some of the ways to inform students, faculty, and others of the services and programs we offer. While holding the position, I will always strive to find other ways to communicate and share information that will be helpful.

Are there any services or programs in the University Student Union (USU) or Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC) that need improvements or are not currently offered?

A service that is offered at the SRWC is the outdoor pool and volleyball area. Many students are not aware of this service at the school gym. A suggestion I would make is to have more signage for the pool and volleyball area. Another service that is not offered in the USU would be having a website to provide details when the game center is closed due to individuals booking reservations. A website that provides time slots and dates for the game center can help many individuals not feel disappointed if the game center is booked. Offering more Future U projects will allow students to share with us what they believe would be needed or would like to see added.

Hello! My name is Saniya Debose. I’m a sophomore. I’m the Senator for the College of Health and Human Services for this academic year. You might know me from Week of Welcome for both semesters, Black Student Union General Body Meetings, the CHHS mixer, the CHHS Student Council Mixer, or even the Black History Cookout more recently. If it helps you remember me, I’m the one with the yellow or red ends, depending on when you saw me. I helped bring a lot of students to attend events within my college and supported students within the Black community through access to resources. I sponsored several resolutions and aided in the

I’m so excited to meet more students! I really love what I do, and I’m really excited to be a part of elections this year!


Hey! My name is Saniya Debose! I’m sophomore running for URECBOT Trustee at Large. I’m running for this position because I wanted to better support students in their journey through college through their experience in the USU and the SWRC. I participated a lot the 2023 to 2024 academic year through my experience as the ASI Senate representative on the URECBOT board. I supported a lot of events, tabled, and put in a lot of effort to make events more student friendly through my position on the Programs Evaluation committee.

My goals include, but are not limited to:

  • Ensuring a more accessible USU post Future You
  • Heightening campus awareness and connectivity
  • Making more events accessible
  • Further support student needs in more Future You developments
  • Connecting with the students even more than I did as the Senator of the College of Health and Human Services

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

I have a lot of experience in URECBOT as an ASI Representative on the board. I have a knack for spotting ways we can make events better, ways we can bring people to events, and how we can advertise things. I also have the comprehension skills to hear from students on how the USU and SWRC better. Fun fact, the QR code and map thing they did at Week of Welcome in the Spring Semester was a little idea I had during a meeting!

The campus and ASI offer a multitude of programs and services for students that, unfortunately, most don't find out about until later in their college experience. How would you create more awareness of campus and ASI resources?

I’m a big believer in the fact that we can share resources via word of mouth. I also believe in just using small ways to communicate. Just about every class has a Discord, and I love just putting resources in my Discord servers whenever the opportunity arises.

Are there any services or programs in the University Student Union (USU) or Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC) that need improvements or are not currently offered?

Napping stations or some type of Beach Shack. In CSUN, they have an entire building to devoted to wellness. We do have Beach Balance in the USU, but I definitely believe that room could use a larger space where students can meditate, nap, or even pray, if they so choose. I definitely think this would be helpful during finals seasons.

Senator, College of the Arts

Dylan Garcia

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My name is Dylan Garcia and I running to be your next Senator for College of the Arts. A little bit about my background is that I am a 2nd Year Undergraduate Student majoring in Film, and I am a First-Generation Latino student who came from a single parent household. One thing that people immediately notice about me is that I have a speech impediment, and I have let that define who I am and what choices I make every day such as interacting with people, but I felt like it’s time for me to come out of my comfort zone that I’ve been hiding in for so long, and be a voice for those who feel like they don’t have a voice when it comes to making policies that will affect us.


  • I will aim and strive to be a voice for those who feel unheard and will encourage students to provide valuable input that can drive policy decision making that will benefit all students.
  • I will represent all students regardless of race, gender, and religion.
  • I will work together with staff & faculty to ensure enough funding for new and better equipment to enhance learning.
  • I will work together with students to receive valuable input that could provide feedback and ideas to make ASI better for all students and introduce policies based on students’ input.
  • My goal is not to just represent ASI, but all students, so everything I will do will be in the best interest of students to ensure a better learning environment and enhance learning through everything I do.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

I will represent all students regardless of race, gender, and religion and be a voice for those who feel unheard and will encourage students to provide valuable input that can drive policy decision making that will benefit all students.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

I believe that there is not enough student engagement with ASI which can bring a lack of insight into what students really need and how the student government is better able to help them. I also believe that there should be more of a debate over spending and where the budget should go to and it can benefit students.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

As a person that suffers from a speech impediment, I know what it's like to be on the outside and feel unheard, feeling like I could never have my voice heard because of the speech barrier that I deal with everyday, so I will make it my goal to work together with students to receive valuable input that could provide feedback and ideas to make ASI better for all students and introduce policies based on students’ input. The feedback I will receive will not just be delegated to the student government, but to the student body as well and receive more and more input on what people think.

Senator, College of Business

Pranvat Kaur

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Hello everyone. I am Pranvat Kaur, a junior studying human resource management. I was born in New Delhi, India and came to the US to pursue my undergraduate education. My experience so far has been everything I wanted from it and more. I was very unserious about my future and university while I was in high school. It was a very hard decision for me to leave my comfort zone which was my family. It was crucial to leave to experience a better academic curriculum and personal development. If I did not face the challenges of adjusting to a new environment and discovering my personality outside of my family, I would not have been able to become the most content version of myself. University has helped me shape my personality and mould myself into the person I envisioned of becoming. I want this experience to be replicated for the incoming


  • I strongly believe in the values of equity to make new students feel like they are becoming part of a community where they can grow and accomplish their goals eventually.
  • I tend to be passionate towards my family and the community I belong to, which is CSULB.
  • I am good at reporting and analysing situations and effectively coming up with solutions.
  • I want to make the school more accessible, ensure proper working of escalators and routes for people using walkers/wheelchairs to all buildings in the university.
  • The availability of vegan and gluten-free options in the convenience stores and outlets for students.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

Student advocacy to me is becoming a mediator between the university management and the students of the university. Be it the well-being of our students, ensuring academic success and affordability, I would stand up for the rights of the students of the university. Growth includes changes in the functioning of student organizations and having an equitable platform so every student has an organization they identify with. For this, I would encourage students to create more organizations to have a community that makes them feel supported and passionate about their goals.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

Current issues include ensuring the consistency of affordable tution and availability of enough classes for all students to enroll in. My peers have faced an issue where they are unable to enroll in the classes needed to graduate because they get filled even before their enrollment date. To bring these issues to the attention of administration, I would talk to other senators about this so that I have a group of people supporting me. This would help in convincing administration that these are issues the college and its students are facing at large.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

Awareness of the student government's role would be possible through social events with some sort of incentive like raffles or free prizes. Giving the students of the university an opportunity to express their grievances and ideas for improvement will be my top most priority. Being active on social media is crucial for having consistent student engagement throughout the year. Encouraging students to attend meetings that they are permitted to attend can also increase student engagement.

Senator, College of Engineering

Andrew Paredes

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Hola familia!

I am a first generation Mexican American student in my second year majoring in mechanical engineering. I believe representation is essential to progress and further amplify the voices of a majority. I am dedicated to promoting and advocating inclusivity and culture awareness at the beach through the leadership experiences I have held within my two years. The accomplishments I am proud of serving have been the Marketing Officer for Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, while also serving as Co-Chair for a Latine organization I co-founded, La Familia de Long Beach. As a SHPE officer, it is my responsibility to promote opportunities to all engineering students of all backgrounds within the organization and college. As Co-Chair for La Familia, I continuously strive for inclusivity and community engagement on campus. In addition to serving as a peer mentor in the University Honors Program.


As senator, I want to amplify the minority to become a part of the majority.

  • Demonstrate a commitment to engineering organizations on campus by attentively responding and conveying their concerns.
  • Provided the needed services students pertaining to the college of engineering require.
  • Create stipends to assist the student body with opportunities they may lack.
  • I will create more fun and engaging events for engineering students to network and socialize.
  • I will establish a concrete network of student life within the college of engineering.
  • I want to ensure the quality of work and academic environment is met for students.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

As a leader of many organizations and mentor, I have always been dedicated to ensuring the quality of life and safety of my familia and peers. If elected, I will ensure inclusivity and social networking events are further established to provide a strong foundation of comradery amongst the student body. To ensure this is met, I will use the voices of students within the college to be heard and brainstorm solutions with fellow college senators to meet the expectations of the student body. I want to ensure students are prepared and confident that they will secure job employment upon graduation, internship and research opportunities.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

Current issues within the LSBU student body that should be addressed is the funding that is not provided to engineering student organizations. Due to the lack of appropriate funding, student leaders are required to develop their own means of funding based upon what their organizations can provide. These may be student projects that can become the next revolutionary design to technologically advance CSULB as a whole. These may be conventions that can provide job opportunities to students outside of campus, showcasing their amazing capabilities if it were not the lack of funding that prevented them from doing so. I want to work collaboratively with student organizations and administration to ensure student projects, job employment, and opportunities are met.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

As senator, I will ensure all student organizations will be promoted to cultivate the sense of community by communicating with student leaders and influence their members to advocate for. I will advocate for student needs and concerns regarding their organization and provide the resources they need to meet their expectations.

Senator, College of Health & Human Services

Mannat Tiwana

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I, Mannat Tiwana currently pursuing a Master's in Public Health at CSULB, building on my undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) from India. With a commitment to honesty and reliability, I aim to merge my healthcare background with public health to contribute meaningfully to health initiatives and make a positive impact in the field.


Vote for Mannat – a dedicated candidate pursuing Masters in Public Health from CSULB and a Bachelors of Dental Surgery degree from India. Known for honesty and reliability, Mannat is committed to addressing student welfare as a top priority. With a passion for public health, I aim to implement policies and initiatives that enhance the well-being and overall experience of every student. Support Mannat for positive change and a healthier, more supportive campus community.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

If elected, my unique blend of a Master's in Public Health and a BDS degree equips me with a comprehensive understanding of both physical and mental well-being. I am dedicated to implementing student-centric initiatives that foster growth by prioritizing holistic health, academic support, and a sense of community. With a commitment to honesty and reliability, I aim to establish open communication channels, ensuring that student concerns are heard and addressed effectively. Through collaborative efforts, I intend to create a supportive environment that promotes personal and academic development, empowering students to thrive during their time at our institution.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

Several pressing issues within the LBSU student body demand attention, including mental health resources, financial aid accessibility, and inclusive campus policies. To address these concerns, I plan to establish a student-led advisory committee to gather and articulate the diverse needs of our community. Through open forums, surveys, and collaborative dialogues, I aim to ensure that student voices are heard. By presenting well-researched proposals and engaging in constructive discussions with the administration, I intend to advocate for increased mental health services, improved financial aid communication, and policies that foster inclusivity. Together, we can bridge the communication gap between students and administration, working towards a more supportive and responsive university environment.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

To enhance awareness of Student Government's crucial role, I propose implementing an outreach campaign utilizing social media platforms, campus events, and informative workshops. By creating engaging content that highlights our initiatives, accomplishments, and the direct impact on student life, we can effectively communicate the relevance of Student Government. Additionally, I plan to establish regular town hall meetings and Q&A sessions, providing students with direct access to government representatives. Through transparent communication and showcasing tangible outcomes, we can foster trust and encourage active participation. Collaborative efforts with student organizations and leveraging existing communication channels will further amplify our message. By making Student Government accessible, transparent, and responsive, I aim to inspire greater student engagement and create a campus community that actively participates in shaping its future.

Senator, College of Liberal Arts

Nicholas Nieto

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Isaac Obert

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My name is Nicholas Nieto and I am a first-year Political Science Major, hoping to further involve myself with the Cal State Long Beach Community. I am very ambitious and meticulous when it comes to the work I produce, and I have been able to use that energy and concentrate it on my life. I am currently working as an Assistant Manager at PacSun, a clothing retail company where I have led a team of associates while maintaining the integrity of the store itself. This position has taught me how to think on my feet, and how to cooperate. I love this line of work where I get to talk to so many people and learn so many new things, it is the reason I do things I do. Hopefully, ASI will give me the opportunity to learn more about our community.


My name is Nicholas Nieto and being a first year at Cal State Long Beach has already given me the opportunity to meet so many new people from so many different places. This aspect of the school is what I love most, so many of the students here are so curious and open-minded to everything the world has to offer. I am proud of being a part of this school’s community and want to contribute to the liveliness it has. I want to give the students of Cal State Long Beach more opportunities to collaborate with each other and involve themselves in the school. I hope to serve the students in their best interests which requires my constant interaction and empathy with the student body which I am more than willing to give. Having me in ASI means the students will have someone truly looking over their best interests.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

I excel when working with others, and I see the student body as my team. With my history of being a strong leader, I will curate a more efficient communication system between the Students and ASI. I am also open-minded, I am always going to listen to the needs of my peers so we can all get what we need. I’m ambitious as well. I never see a job as complete, I always see room for improvement and I plan to carry that mentality with me and spread it to everyone I get to work with. I am going to create a positive and interactive working environment for the Liberal Arts Students so collaboration toward success can be created. We are here to share this journey together, we need each other's help and I am going to help move us to the right path.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

I believe there is currently a lack of unity among the Student Body, especially in their connection with school politics. I have noticed there is space for improvement when it comes to the collaboration between the Students. Being a student first, I recognize that fixing this issue can benefit our education and comfort with openness amongst each other. I plan to create more entertaining events for the Students to partake in so we can get to talk and really know who our peers are. By addressing this problem first, it can become our first step towards bridging the gap between open dialogue with Faculty and Students. The lack of communication is the reason why students are struggling, and I am going to create open forums for Students to honestly address their problems so that we can all work together and fix them. Every plan starts somewhere, so let’s start here.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

What a lot of Students misunderstand is that the Student Government and the Student Body aren’t separate entities, we work together like gears in a machine, depending on each other for success. A large reason why there isn’t much awareness of the role of Student Government is because of the lack of openness of their work. I am going to involve myself with student-run organizations and be that bridge of communication. I will be contributing to on-campus events to help make them more fun and interactive for students so they can learn the importance of our Student Government and understand how we can further rely on each other for success. I plan to be honest, sending emails, reminders and ongoing projects to our faculty and students. Doing this, we are going to create this transparent environment where everyone can be comfortable working with each other, creating new ways to succeed.

Hey! I’m Isaac Obert, a junior double majoring in political science and philosophy. I’m passionate about learning and helping others. I like to box, make music, weighlift and read. I’m a very relaxed guy, but also a very hard worker driven by my love for life. I love the classes here, the professors, and all the students, and I want to help keep this place great. Vote for me and let’s get cooking.


  • Above all, help maintain an open environment where all are welcome.
  • Get fans for the offices in the liberal arts buildings.
  • Have buckets to put in classrooms for people to store their umbrellas on rainy days.
  • Make bus information more accessible to alleviate traffic and parking issues.
  • Work with the liberal arts departments individually to see what they need.
  • Encourage clubs to have crossover meetings and raise overall participation.
  • Cook up other good ideas with my fellow students and senators.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

I'd work hard to keep LB an open and welcoming environment for everyone. I'd raise awareness about all the clubs we have on campus and promote department events as well. Finally, I'd always be available to talk to my fellow students. I love to meet new people and learn about them.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

The liberal arts faculty offices can get really hot, and the faculty members, ISAs, GAs and SAs know what I'm talking about. Getting fans won't cost thousands of dollars. We'll make it happen. Tuition is rising and Cal Grants are not, so it's very important now more than ever that students know how to apply for scholarships. I'll work with the administration to make it easier and clearer.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

Showing up to the many different clubs on campus and connecting with the many student leaders. I'll also be active in the different department events, as well as working with department chairs to engage with students more.

Senator, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Christina Do

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Richie Pham

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My name is Christina Do and I am a third-year biochemistry major. I am a first-generation college student pursuing dentistry and I am running as senator for this term! Growing up, I was not aware of the many resources and opportunities that were offered to me. As a result, I had a very hard time navigating college. I want to be able to serve my community by helping others who have struggled in situations similar to mine. I have participated in many organizations both on and outside of campus, including being a peer mentor/tutor at CNSM and a peer advisor for SOAR registration. I am also involved in research, volunteer as an art mentor, and work as a dental assistant! A little bit about me, I love trying out new food spots with friends and I love shopping!


By getting involved in the student government, I believe that I can make an even bigger difference in the community by advocating and representing the voices of many other students like me. During my time working with the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics as a tutor and peer mentor, I was given the opportunity to interact with many students from different backgrounds. I noticed that there was a large disparity in engagement with first-generation students due to the lack of resources and support. In addition, I’ve also seen many students struggle to find opportunities in the careers that they are pursuing. As a Senator, I hope to facilitate the success of students by providing them with the necessary resources and opportunities, whether that be through additional financial support, programs, or other services.

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

If elected, I would like to pursue more financial support for CNSM students. Many people are unaware that the CNSM Student Council receives $10,000 in grants to put on events for the college and to support students and organizations. In the past several years, very few have attempted to obtain this support. As a senator, I would implement a plan to make sure all students are aware of how to obtain this funding and to make sure we are supporting our students as much as possible. A piece of legislation I would also like to implement is to allocate grant funding toward paying for graduate exams. Graduate exams can be expensive and act as barriers to master's and doctoral programs. By creating a fund to help pay for graduate programs, we could lift a significant amount of stress off of our students who are applying to graduate programs.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

As a commuter myself, I understand why the commuter culture exists; however, with so many organizations and events happening on campus, it doesn’t have to be that way. One reason is the lack of spaces to stay late on campus. If elected, I will advocate for more spaces for students to study, hold events, and connect after a long day of class. There are also many great resources on campus that have helped in my academic and professional journey. (For example, did you know that CNSM has a pre-health advisor?) The only issue is that it took me three years to find them. As a senator, I want to work with my college and others to centralize these resources, making them easy to find. Whether that be in the form of a resource day or a shared website between the colleges, I believe it is vital for our students' success.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

Student Government supports students academically, professionally, and financially. With countless opportunities coming from ASI, there needs to be more outreach. As a Senator, I will promote how ASI can help each and every individual student. For example, the ASI Business and Finance Committee funds student travel, research, and organizations. While the funding they hold is so valuable, many are unaware it exists. If elected, I will not only make sure this resource and many other resources are known to students but will also show them how to obtain it. I also want to make sure students are comfortable approaching Student Government leaders for assistance in obtaining such resources or to talk about other issues. To do that, I will host more events that allow students to interact with elected leaders. After all, the only way to stay informed on issues is to be in constant connection with those we serve.


I’m Richie and I served as your CNSM Senator for the 2023-2024 term. I’m currently studying biochemistry here at CSULB and I’m running for reelection. This term, I worked with the Senate to pass bills opposing CSU tuition increases and focused on expanding resources for the college. I also represented the student body in the Academic Senate - making sure student interests were protected in faculty discussions. I’d like to continue my efforts in ASI by working with Dean Bennett to set up a Green Chemistry program and develop more sustainable practices in our labs. I also want to ensure CNSM students have the best preparation for graduate careers through expanding resources here on campus!


  • Implement Green Chemistry Program
    • Following guidelines set by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute
    • Support student participation at ACS Green Chemistry & Engineering Conferences
    • Working with the Dean and Stockroom to implement environmentally conscious reagents
    • Providing Green Chemistry courses by continued conversations with Dean Bennett and Dr. Whitcraft
  • Work with CNSM to secure more funding for better instruments in lab
  • Continue work with Dean Bennett to provide more degree/course options
    • Biology + Business dual major program
    • Biotech
    • Astrobiology
    • Natural Science
    • General chemistry for non-majors/Chemistry for the Life Scientists
    • Exam/Career prep courses (MCAT/DAT/PCAT)
  • More internship opportunities for CNSM students
  • Increase study spaces throughout USU/MLSC/HSCI
  • Highlight CNSM faculty and opportunities
    • Improving student’s access to research by promoting available labs

If elected, what do you bring to this position that will help promote growth in the students around you?

I've served one term so far as a senator and I've enjoyed every minute of it! I'd bring my experience as senator to be consistent and transparent to my peers.

What are some current issues within the LBSU student body that you feel need to be addressed and how do you plan on bringing these issues to the attention of administration?

A lot of alumni in graduate programs have said other schools seem to better prepare their students. In terms of courses provided, resources, and networking opportunities. So I'd like to continue my work to make LB students more competitive and prepared post graduation.

How would you promote awareness of Student Government's role and encourage student engagement?

Making an effort to connect with my classmates and doing my best support them in their studies. I want to make CSULB worth studying at - with improved access to programs and variety of courses offered. This would make our school more appealing to attend and boost student engagement.

Candidate Docs & Forms

The documents and forms listed below are intended to be a resource for candidates, campaign workers and the student body at large throughout the ASI election process.


Election Handbook 2024


  1. Income Expense Record
  2. List of Campaign Workers
  3. Public Endorsement
  4. Campaign Violation Petition


Candidates will be listed on the first day of campaigning on this webpage.

  • You can vote online from March 18 at midnight through March 20 at 11:59 p.m.
  • All students will receive an email containing voting information. Once received, open and click on the attached link that reads “CLICK HERE”.
  • If the link is unresponsive, visit the provided URL address in the email and enter your username and password, also provided within the email.
  • Read the Welcome Page and click on the “PROCEED” button.
  • Start voting! Just click on the box next to the candidates or responses of your choice, and then click “Submit Vote.”
  • If you do not want to vote in a particular race, click on “Skip this Poll.”
  • If you want to vote in a race that you previously skipped, locate the poll you skipped, then cast your vote.
  • If you did not receive the email, or are having trouble online, please email asi-elections@csulb.edu. Include your name, student ID number and a brief description of the issue. Someone will contact you to help resolve the issue.

Any computer or phone that can access your LBSU student email account can be used for voting.

If you did not receive an email to vote, please check your spam folder. Locate the email from “Associated Students, Inc.” with the Subject Line “2024 ASI Election.” Click “Not Junk.” If this does not work, or if you cannot locate the email in your spam folder, please email asi-elections@csulb.edu. Include your name, student ID number and a brief description of the issue. Someone will contact you to help resolve the issue.

If you cannot open the email to vote, please email asi-elections@csulb.edu. Include your name, student ID number and a brief description of the issue. Someone will contact you to help resolve the issue.

After the polls close, the election results will be announced at the Elections Reveal Party, Thursday, March 21 at 12 p.m. at the USU Southwest Terrace, as well as on ASI's Instagram Live @CSULBASI. You will also be able to find the results on the ASI Student Government Website.