Applications Reopen! Feb. 03, 2025
Hello Voters!
Welcome to the 2025 Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Elections page! This is your one-stop destination for all necessary information required to apply for Student Government, including dates, position descriptions, documents and forms, the 2025 Elections Handbook, and more!
Since 1956, Long Beach State University (LBSU) students have participated in the ASI elections process to select leaders to advocate on their behalf. As an applicant, you will be engaging directly with this principle of student self-governance and “Keeping Students First” throughout the elections process and your campaign.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email them to asi-elections@csulb.edu. Thank you and good luck!
Sofia Basulto
ASI Government Elections & Recruitment Assistant
Applicant Starter Pack
Interested in running for a 2025 Student Government position? Access resources within the:
Elected Positions
Position Overview:
Serves as the official representative of the Associated Students to the university and general public.
What does this position do?
- Ensures the proper conduct and efficient administration of all ASI Executive Branch activities, and reports such relevant information to the Senate weekly.
- Reviews, signs and ensures the execution of all legislation adopted by the Senate.
- Appoints students to open positions including Academic Affairs Officer, Chief Diversity Officer, Chief Government Relations Officer, Chief Justice, Associate Justices and Commissioners – all which are subject to confirmation by the Senate.
- Delivers a State of the Associated Students Address once per semester in office.
- Conducts mid-year Cabinet performance reviews with the Chief Diversity Officer.
- Delivers speeches at various as-needed events such as Convocation.
- Represents ASI and the university on the Cal State Student Association.
What meetings will I have to attend?
- ASI Executive Meetings – meets weekly
- Business & Finance Committee – meets weekly, every Tuesday from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
- Lobby Corps – meets weekly, every Thursday at 3:30 p.m.
- Academic Senate – meets bimonthly, every other Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m.
- Academic Senate Executive Committee
- University Student Union & Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Board of Trustees (URECBOT) – meets monthly, first Friday of each month at 1 p.m. (+1 subcommittee)
- President’s Cabinet – meets weekly, every Monday at 2:30 p.m.
- Beach Shops Board of Directors-once a month (+2 subcommittees)
- Beach Shops Board of Directors Summer meetings & Retreat – meets as needed.
- CSULB Foundation Board of Directors – meets once a semester
- Instructionally Related Activities Board – meets during winter break in January
- Resource Planning Process Committee (university budget committee) - meets as needed
- University President – meets monthly
- Student Fee Advisory Committee – meets monthly
- University Vice President of Student Affairs – meets monthly
- ASI Leadership Retreats and any other leadership training – meets as needed
- Awareness and Development trainings as Executive representative of a diverse campus community – meets as needed
- Student Orientation and Retention (SOAR) presentations – meets during the summer
- Cal State Student Association (CSSA) – meets monthly (however, it is optional and travel is required)
- Other meetings as designated in the ASI Bylaws and university documents – meets as needed
What is the typical time commitment per week?
Approximately 20 hours per week, encompassing time allocated for meetings (as mentioned above) directly linked to the duties outlined in the ASI Bylaws and other governing documents of the campus. Typically, half of the weekly hours are spent within the office.
What are the preferred skills & abilities?
- Time management.
- Supervisory skills.
- Public speaking.
- Ability to delegate.
- Knowledge of parliamentary procedure to run meetings.
- Ability to read and interpret policies.
- Ability to interact positively and build effective working relationships with a diverse population of students, faculty, staff and campus administrators.
- Familiarity with the concepts of servant-leadership and stewardship.
Does this position receive a scholarship?
Yes. The scholarship amount is subject to approval by the ASI Operating Budget for the year. Specifically, it is designed to match the LBSU cost of attendance for undergraduate students residing in off-campus housing, which currently stands at $31,678.
Position Overview:
Serves as the chairperson of the Associated Students Senate/Board of Directors, which represents the student body voice and assumes the role of ASI President in the event of the incumbent’s incapacitation, resignation or withdrawal from the university.
What does this position do?
- Assists the ASI President with ASI business that is deemed necessary.
- Prepares the weekly Senate agenda.
- Prepares, signs and places final adopted legislation on the desk of the ASI President for their signature or reconsideration.
- Develops, authors and assists senators in the creation of all legislation.
- Ensures all Senate information is available and accessible to the student body.
- Conducts Senate performance reviews.
- Supports Senate projects and goals and assigns such projects to senators when necessary.
- Ensures that board members are knowledgeable and properly trained in their role and responsibilities.
- Serves on ASI scholarship review committees as needed.
- Attends university and ASI functions, as needed.
- Attends various university board/committee meetings and retreats.
What meetings will I have to attend?
- ASI Executive Meetings – meets weekly
- Senate - meets weekly, every Wednesday from 3:30 to 6 p.m.
- Business & Finance Committee – meets weekly, every Tuesday from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
- Meetings with Senators – meets monthly
- University Student Union & Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Board of Trustees (URECBOT) – meets monthly, the first Friday of each month at 1 p.m. (+1 subcommittee)
- Beach Shops Board of Directors – meets monthly (+2 subcommittees)
- Beach Shops Board of Directors Summer meetings and Retreat – meets as needed
- Student Fee Advisory Committee – meets monthly as needed
- Study Abroad Scholarship Committee – meets twice per semester
- Instructionally Related Activities Board – meets during winter break in January
- University Vice President of Student Affairs – meets monthly
- ASI Leadership Retreats, and any additional leadership trainings – meets as needed
- Student Orientation and Retention (SOAR) presentations – meets during the summer
- Other meetings as designated in the ASI Bylaws and university documents – meets as needed
What is the typical time commitment per week?
Approximately 20 hours per week, encompassing time allocated for meetings (as mentioned above) directly linked to the duties outlined in the ASI Bylaws and other governing documents of the campus. Typically, half of the weekly hours are spent within the office.
What are the preferred skills & abilities?
- Knowledge of parliamentary procedure to run meetings.
- Time management.
- Organization skills.
- Public speaking.
- Ability to delegate and motivate others to take action.
- Supervisory skills.
- Ability to read and interpret policies.
- Ability to interact positively and build effective working relationships with a diverse population of students, faculty, staff, and campus administrators.
- Familiarity with the concepts of servant-leadership and stewardship.
Does this position receive a scholarship?
Yes. The scholarship amount is subject to approval by the ASI Operating Budget for the year. Specifically, it is designed to match the LBSU cost of attendance for undergraduate students residing in off-campus housing, which currently stands at $31,678.
Position Overview:
Supervises and oversees the management of Associated Students finances and ensures responsible stewardship of its assets
What does this position do?
- Serves as Chair of the Business & Finance Committee.
- Compiles and creates the Business & Finance Committee agenda packets completed with all business items 72-hours prior to meetings.
- Reviews all Research Grants, Student Research Funds and Current Year Unallocated Fund applications to ensure the submission of appropriate paperwork and information, prior to including such information on the Business & Finance Committee agenda.
- Ensures that proper financial literacy training is provided for the broad student population throughout each academic year.
- Ensures that proper fiscal certification training is completed for all student organization financial officers.
- Creates and provides monthly reports to the Senate, including a detailed account of the financial condition of the Associated Students on a quartely basis.
- Approves disbursements made from Associated Students checking accounts.
- Reviews all fiscal policies annually and recommends edits as necessary.
- Updates the Program Grant Rubric to meet proper policy updates.
- Ensures all board members are knowledgeable and trained on fiscal policies and other Business & Finance Committee items.
- Meets with students and organizations to review policy, assists with grant applications and addresses financial questions.
- Maintains a current record of all fiscal and personnel policies and procedures approved by the Senate.
- Communicates with students, councils/organizations, Student Life & Development and the ASI Business Office regarding policies and procedures.
- Builds and maintains a relationship with Student Life & Development and meets with staff each semester.
- Develops and implements a comprehensive spring grant allocation process in collaboration with Student Life & Development and the Business & Finance Committee.
- Oversees the preparation of the Associated Students annual budget and receives the budget from the USU & SRWC, Board of Trustees.
- Plays an active role in the development of the ASI budget process.
- Provides check-ins with Senate representatives to the Business & Finance Committee.
- Ensures the ASI website has up to date financial statements.
- Updates the ASI student fee breakdown as needed.
- Works with the ASI Business Office to ensure students are receiving all necessary information and assistance.
- Submits and responds to all other administrative tasks.
- Attends university and ASI functions as needed.
- Attends various university board/committee meetings and retreats.
- Serves on ASI Scholarship review committees as needed.
What meetings will I have to attend?
- ASI Executive Meetings – meets weekly
- Business & Finance Committee – meets weekly, every Tuesday from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
- University Student Union & Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Board of Trustees (URECBOT) – meets monthly, the first Friday of each month at 1 PM (+1 subcommittee)
- Beach Shops Board of Directors – meets monthly (+2 subcommittees)
- Beach Shops Board of Directors Summer meetings and Retreat – meets as needed
- University Vice President for Student Affairs – meets monthly
- Instructionally Related Activities Board – meets during winter break in January
- Student Fee Advisory Committee – meets monthly
- Study Abroad Scholarship Committee – meets twice per semester
- ASI Leadership Retreats, and any additional leadership trainings – meets as needed
- Student Orientation and Retention (SOAR) presentations – meets during the summer
- Awareness and development trainings as Executive representative of a diverse campus community – meets as needed
- Other meetings as designated in the ASI Bylaws and university documents – meets as needed
What is the typical time commitment per week?
Approximately 20 hours per week, encompassing time allocated for meetings (as mentioned above) directly linked to the duties outlined in the ASI Bylaws and other governing documents of the campus. Typically, half of the weekly hours are spent within the office.
What are the preferred skills & abilities?
- Time management.
- Public speaking.
- Knowledge of parliamentary procedure to run meetings.
- Ability to read and interpret financial reports.
- Ability to read and interpret policies.
- Ability to delegate.
- Supervisory skills.
- Ability to interact positively and build effective working relationships with a diverse population of students, faculty, staff and campus administrators.
- Familiarity with budget concepts such as revenue and expense.
- Familiarity with the concepts of servant-leadership and stewardship.
Does this position receive a scholarship?
Yes. The scholarship amount is subject to approval by the ASI Operating Budget for the year. Specifically, it is designed to match the LBSU cost of attendance for undergraduate students residing in off-campus housing, which currently stands at $31,678.
Position Overview:
Serves as a voting member of the Associated Students Senate, representing the students within a particular College or the broader student community at-large.
What does this position do?
- Represents members of their particular constituency to the Associated Students.
- Serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Associated Students and fulfills the legal and ethical obligations attending.
- Participates in initiating and approving amendments to the ASI Bylaws, Chapters I and II.
- Fills vacancies in the Senate and other Boards.
- Holds membership on at least one Senate subcommittee and/or ASI subsidiary board.
- Serves on university committees and boards as directed by the Executive Vice President.
- Serves as a volunteer for ASI events.
- Composes and presents resolutions to the Senate for consideration.
- Submits senator reports and university committee reports.
- Attends College Council meetings and give reports on ASI activities (College Senators only).
- Serves as a liaison to specific student constituencies as assigned and gives reports on ASI activities (At-Large Senators only).
- Ensures that all activities, policies, and resolutions are initiated and carried out in the best interests of the student body as a whole.
- Serves on ASI scholarship review committees as needed.
What meetings will I have to attend?
- Senate – meets weekly, every Wednesday from 3:30 to 6 p.m.
The following meetings are required only if elected or appointed:
- Business & Finance Committee – meets weekly, every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. (2 Senators)
- University Student Union & Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Board of Trustees (URECBOT) – meets weekly, the first Friday of each month at 1 p.m. (2 Senators)
- Lobby Corps – meets weekly, every Thursday at 3:30 p.m. (3 Senators)
- Senate Audit Committee – meets twice a semester (2 Senators)
- Beach Pride Events Committee – meets weekly, every Monday at 3:30 p.m. (1 Senator)
- College Council – (College Senators)
- Student Community – (At-Large Senators)
- ASI Leadership Retreats; and any additional leadership trainings – meets as needed
- Other meetings as designated by the ASI Bylaws, the President or the Executive Vice President – meets as needed
What is the typical time commitment per week?
This role requires a minimum of 10 hours per week, comprising participation in board and/or committee meetings (as mentioned above). This commitment, however, does not encompass the weekly Senate meetings.
What are the preferred skills & abilities?
- Time management.
- Public speaking.
- Ability to learn parliamentary procedure to participate in meetings.
- Ability to interact positively and network with a diverse population of students, faculty, staff and campus administrators.
- Ability to interact comfortably with members of a constituency to obtain opinions.
- Determine interests and assess needs on an ongoing basis.
- Familiarity with the duties and responsibilities of a nonprofit board of directors.
- Familiarity with the concepts of servant leadership and stewardship.
Does this position receive a scholarship?
Yes. The scholarship amount is subject to approval by the ASI Operating Budget for the year. The scholarship amount stands at $1,300 per academic semester.
Position Overview:
Serves as a voting member of the University Student Union & Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Board of Trustees (URECBOT), which is responsible for the oversight of the facilities, services and programs of the University Student Union (USU) and Student Recreation and Wellness Center (SRWC).
What does this position do?
- Formulates and recommends policies regarding all aspects of USU and the SRWC operations.
- Recommends the annual budget of the USU to the A.S. Senate.
- Reviews services and programming for the USU and SRWC.
- Recommend plans for additional and/or modifications to USU facilities.
- Ensures that all business conducted by the Board is carried out in the best interest of the student body as a whole.
- Promotes all functions and activities of the USU and SRWC.
- Each trustee is responsible for chairing one URECBOT Standing Committee.
- Serves on ASI scholarship review committees as needed.
What meetings will I have to attend?
- University Student Union & Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Board of Trustees (URECBOT) – meets monthly, the first Friday of each month at 1 p.m.
- URECBOT Standing Committee – meeting time and location is TBD
- ASI Leadership Retreats, and any other leadership trainings – meets as needed
- All student government officers are required to serve on at least two committees – meets as needed
- Other meetings as designated by the Chair – meets as needed
What is the typical time commitment per week?
This role requires a minimum of 10 hours per week, comprising participation in board and/or committee meetings (as mentioned above). This commitment, however, does not encompass monthly URECBOT meetings.
What are the preferred skills & abilities?
- Time management.
- Public speaking.
- Ability to delegate.
- Ability to learn parliamentary procedure to run and participate in meetings.
- Ability to interact positively and build effective working relationships with a diverse population of students, faculty, staff and campus administrators.
- Familiarity with college union operations.
- Familiarity with the concepts of servant-leadership and stewardship.
Does this position receive a scholarship?
Yes. The scholarship amount is subject to approval by the ASI Operating Budget for the year.
Elections Calendar
Month | Date | Activity | Location | Time |
January |
Mon, Jan 13 |
Filing Opens Online (Jan 13 to Feb 02) |
9AM |
February |
Sun, Feb 02 |
Filing Closes (Platforms must be submitted with application) |
Elections Website | 11:59PM |
Mon, Feb 03 |
Applications Reopen! Filing Extension (*For unfilled positions only)/td> |
Apply for a Position | 9AM | |
Mon, Feb 19 |
Filing Extension Closes | Elections Website | 11:59PM | |
Mon, Feb 17 |
Slate Registration Deadline | DocuSign | 5PM | |
Mandatory Candidate Meeting** ($50 deposit due) (Approval for campaign materials by Govt. Office begins after completion of meeting) |
USU 304 | 2PM - 5PM | |
March | Mon, Mar 03 |
Campaigning Begins for General Elections | Campus At Large | 9AM |
Mon, Mar 03 |
Elections Kickoff Event | Speaker’s Platform | 12 - 2PM | |
Tue, Mar 04 |
Meet the Candidates: Pups & Cups | USU North Lawn | 12PM - 2PM | |
Wed, Mar 05 |
Meet the Candidates: Boba & Ballots | Bookstore Walkway | 11AM - 1PM | |
Wed, Mar 05 |
Executive Candidate Debate | USU Beach Auditorium | 5PM - 7PM | |
March 10 - 12 |
Mon, Mar 10 |
“Get Out the Vote” (GOTV) Booth |
“Go Beach” Letters | 9:30AM - 11:30AM | |
Tue, Mar 11 |
GOTV Booth | Beach Circle (COB) | 10AM - 12PM | |
Wed, Mar 12 |
GOTV Booth | USU Escalators | 12PM - 2PM | |
Thu, Mar 13 |
Elections Reveal Party | USU South Plaza | 12PM - 1PM | |
April | Sat, Apr 19 |
ASI Awards and Officer Installation Banquet (MANDATORY for Elected Officers) |
TBD | 10AM |
*Unfilled positions are positions that do not have the minimum number of applicants required. All positions that did meet the requirement will remain closed.
**Mandatory Candidates Meeting: Candidates MUST attend this meeting
to be officially recognized as a candidate and campaign (or send a
representative with 24 hours prior notice to the GEO). Photo for voter
guide and video for Elections Website will be taken at this meeting (There
will be no makeup sessions for your photo/video).
No attendance = automatic disqualification.
Documents and Forms
Academic eligibility for any position within the Associated Students requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50, along with compliance with the current edition of CSULB Campus Regulations regarding holding office. The ASI Assistant Director for Government Affairs and Initiatives is responsible for forwarding the names of students holding or aspiring to hold position within the Associated Students to the Office of the Dean of Students for an eligibility inquiry.
Each position entails a distinct time commitment. Please refer to the job descriptions for detailed information. However, all student government roles include a scholarship for service. For more information, consult the ASI Policy on Student Government Scholarships.
Candidates running for office can allocate funds for their campaign efforts. You are not obligated to spend money, ASI requests that candidates sign and adhere to the voluntary campaign spending limit pledge:
- $750 for candidates for executive offices
- $500 for candidates for other university-wide positions
- $250 for candidates for other college-level positions
Please refer to the ASI Elections Handbook for comprehensive guidelines on campaigning, campaign expenditures and reporting. It is imperative to comply with all requirements. Candidates must submit a Campaign Income and Expense Record, even if no money was spent on campaigning.
To run for a College seat, you must have declared a major in that specific college at the time of your application submission. If university records indicate you are still majoring in journalism, you are ineligible to run for the College of Business seat and must instead vie for the College of Liberal Arts.
You can access the digital elections packet on the ASI Elections Site. When completing the application, ensure all required documentation is included. Incomplete applications lacking the necessary documents will not be considered.
LBSU students can only be a candidate for one position. If a student submits two applications, the latest application will be taken into consideration.
Yes, candidates can run a shared campaign, limited to five (5) people per slate. For detailed information, please refer to the Elections Handbook section on “Slates.”
Candidates will be listed on the first day of campaigning on this webpage.
- You can vote online from March 10 at midnight through March 12 at 11:59 p.m.
- All students will receive an email containing voting information. Once received, open and click on the attached link that reads “CLICK HERE”.
- If the link is unresponsive, visit the provided URL address in the email and enter your username and password, also provided within the email.
- Read the Welcome Page and click on the “PROCEED” button.
- Start voting! Just click on the box next to the candidates or responses of your choice, and then click “Submit Vote.”
- If you do not want to vote in a particular race, click on “Skip this Poll.”
- If you want to vote in a race that you previously skipped, locate the poll you skipped, then cast your vote.
- If you did not receive the email, or are having trouble online, please email asi-elections@csulb.edu. Include your name, student ID number and a brief description of the issue. Someone will contact you to help resolve the issue.
Any computer or phone that can access your LBSU student email account can be used for voting.
If you did not receive an email to vote, please check your spam folder. Locate the email from “Associated Students, Inc.” with the Subject Line “2025 ASI Election.” Click “Not Junk.” If this does not work, or if you cannot locate the email in your spam folder, please email asi-elections@csulb.edu. Include your name, student ID number and a brief description of the issue. Someone will contact you to help resolve the issue.
If you cannot open the email to vote, please email asi-elections@csulb.edu. Include your name, student ID number and a brief description of the issue. Someone will contact you to help resolve the issue.
After the polls close, the election results will be announced at the Elections Reveal Party, Thursday, March 13 at 12 p.m. at the USU Southwest Terrace, as well as on ASI's Instagram Live @CSULBASI. You will also be able to find the results on the ASI Student Government Website.