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Welcome to the home of The Future U Project

Your visit to this site can only mean one thing: you care about the future of student life at Long Beach State University (LBSU). That is awesome! We here at Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) care about nothing more than students. That is why our motto is, and always has been, “Keeping Students First!” Keeping students first is also why The Future U project is so important to us, and we are excited that you are joining us on this journey!

The Future U Project began with a year-long campaign during the 2022 - 23 academic year to connect, engage, and listen to what students, faculty, and staff need in a renovation and expansion of the University Student Union (USU). The project was approved by the Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) in April 2023. Through the 2023 - 24 academic year, we worked with Canon Design on a feasibility report, which involved investigating the building and land to ensure the project could stay within budget and accommodate the elements identified by campus stakeholders. That report was completed in April 2024, and we have since selected Penta | Gensler as our architect, design and construction team for the remainder of the project.

As part of the funding for this renovation and expansion, the USU fee will increase by $284 per semester, with a start date of fall 2025. In addition to this fee increase, there is an additional mandatory inflationary increase based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) every three years. Together, this fee supports construction, renovation, programming, services and staffing.

The building will close and construction fencing will be put up in August 2025. During the closure, services and programs will continue in relocated spaces across campus.

For more detailed information about the project, check out our timeline, which will be updated to reflect our progress, our Frequently Asked Questions page, and sign up for our Future U Newsletter.